If you've been struggling to find a date with mutual interests, there's a new app on the way which could be about to change that.
Aptly named Hater, this new app matches you with others who dislike the very same things that get you riled up. After all, there's nothing like bonding over the stuff that you really can't stand, is there?
According to New York Magazine's The Cut, it's a swipe-based app which encourages users to "swipe on everything from slow walkers to Donald Trump." There are over 2,000 topics to respond to, including gluten-free and butt selfies, and by expressing your opinions, Hater can build a profile based on your likes and dislikes. It will then start connecting you with those who have similar preferences.
Hater CEO Brendan Alper, a former Goldman Sachs employee, told The Cut that the app was originally a comedy sketch idea. "The more I thought about it, the more I thought 'Hey even though this was a funny idea, it actually makes a lot of sense,'" Alper explained.
The app has been in beta since December in New York, and Mashable reports it's had a great response so far. The top three most commonly hated topics won't come as a surprise, either. They are the 2016 presidential election, followed by slow walking and that seriously annoying situation when your hair clogs the drain.
You can see this article in : http://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/news/a52800/new-dating-app-hater/