
Jan 14 2017

How to Give Oral Sex That Will Blow Her Mind

Unless you look for birds-and-the-bees-level info, sex can already be a hard topic to get quality, straightforward advice about. Trying to learn about oral sex can be especially challenging. "It doesn't get enough lip service – pun kind of intended," says Shanna Katz, sexologist, sex educator, and author of Oral Sex That'll Blow Her Mind: An Illustrated Guide to Giving Her Amazing Orgasms.

RELATED: 12 Things Every Man Should Know about Female Orgasms

Everyone wants great sex to come naturally but putting in some extra effort can make all the difference. "It's awesome for guys to say, this is going to be part of my sexual repertoire," says Katz. "It makes you look like you're interested in your partner's pleasure, which is something that makes you a great partner." Here are her top tips for giving the best oral.


Credit: Jonathan Knowles / Getty Images