Is your sex life screaming for an upgrade? Yeah, we hear you. Getting freaky has a way of getting stale the more time you log with your partner. The good news: It's easy to turn things around by switching up your sex positions (no venturing into anal sex territory necessary...unless you want to).
With more than 35 orgasm-inducing ways—dude, that's one (and then some!) for each day of the month—to get your grind on, our best sex positions guide will help fulfill all your naughty needs. Scroll on down, down, down—and enjoy yourself.

You lie on your right side; he kneels, straddling your right leg and curling your left leg around his left side.
With this sex position you get the deeper penetration of doggy style while still being able to make that important eye contact.
Get your guy to put his hands to work.

You lie facedown on the bed, legs straight, hips slightly raised.
This sex position creates a snug fit. Your guy’s penis will seem even larger.
Some shallow thrusts and deep breathing will help him last longer.

You lie back with your legs resting on each of his shoulders.
This sex position is awesome because when you raise your legs, it narrows thevagina and helps target your G-spot.
Ask him to start rocking you in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion. That should bring his penis into direct contact with your G-spot.

He sits on a chair or the edge of the bed; you face him, seated on his lap.
During this sex position, you’re in control of the angle and depth of the entry and thrust. Being seated provides support, so it’s great for marathon sex.
Let your fingers (and hands) do the talking. Once seated, you can put your hands anywhere on your body or his to make things more interesting.

Similar to the popular Cowgirl sex position, you kneel on top of him, pushing off his chest and sliding up and down his thighs. But he helps by supporting some of your weight and grabbing your hips or thighs while he rises to meet each thrust.
This sex position puts sess stress on your legs, making climaxing easier. Plus, female-dominant sex positions delay his climax, so everyone wins.
Alternate between shallow and deep thrusting to stimulate different parts of thevagina.

This is a modified doggy-style. Get on your hands and knees, then, keeping hips raised, rest your head and arms on the bed.
This sex position creates deeper penetration—and gives you a chance to rest on a pillow.
Use your hands to stimulate your clitoris.

Standing on one foot, face your guy and wrap your other leg around his waist while he helps support you.
This sex position allows for quality face time and connecting.
If you’re a Flexi Lexie, try putting the raised leg on his shoulder for even deeper penetration.

You kneel on top of him, pushing off his chest and sliding up and down his thighs. You can relieve some of your weight from his pelvis by leaning back and supporting yourself on his thighs.
By being the dominant in this sex position, you’ll delay his climax and intensify yours.
Discover new sensations for both of you by widening your knees or bringing them closer to his body.

Near the edge of a bed or bench, rest on the hip and forearm of one side and press your thighs together. Your man stands and straddles you, entering from behind.
Keeping your legs pressed together during this sex position allows for a tighter hold on him as he thrusts.
Instead of letting him do all the work, try thrusting you hips slightly to match his tempo.

Get on your hands and feet and have him pick you up by the pelvis. Then grip his waist with your thighs.
Aside from being a fabulous arm workout for you, this male-dominant sex position allows him deeper penetration and an amazing view of your assets.
Try resting on a table or the side of the bed and give your arms a break.

Lie on your back while he lies facedown on top of you.
This sex position is simple, elegant, effective, and surprisingly versatile.
You can drastically change the sensation for both of you by shifting the angle of your legs.

Get on all fours. He kneels behind you, with his upper body straight up or slightly draped over you.
This sex position allows for deep penetration and easier G-spot stimulation.
Stimulate your clitoris with one hand, or ask him to do the finger work for you.

He enters you from the missionary position, then slides his chest and legs off your body so his pelvis is in the same location but his limbs form an “X” with yours.
You feel more of his body in motion with this sex position.
Use this unique angle to massage his back, butt, or legs as he thrusts.

While he sits on the bed or a chair, back yourself into his lap and spoon each other while seated.
You can't see your partner during this sex position, which means fantasizing is easier and can add to the excitement.
Tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor so you can grip him and keep him erect.

He lies on his back; you straddle him, facing his feet.
Lets you take control and show your guy the pace and rhythm you like.
To get more leverage, put your knees and shins inside his legs and under his thighs.

With both of you standing, you bend over at the waist; he enters you from behind.
Bending over during this sex position helps make the vaginal walls tighter and increases the intensity of the friction.
Have him tickle your clitoris with his free hand, or loosely tie your hands together with a silky scarf.

Both of you lie on your sides, facing the same direction. You bring your knees up slightly while he slides up behind your pelvis and enters you from behind.
This sex positin allows for more skin-to-skin contact, increasing your stimulation.
Have him place his hands on your shoulders to increase the intensity and deepness of the thrust.

From the missionary position, without disengaging, turn together onto your sides, using your arms to support your upper bodies.
You get the same full-body press and can gaze into each other’s eyes.
Try intertwining your legs with his or fondling him down below.

He sits, legs bent, leaning back on his hands and forearms. You do the same and then inch toward him until you connect.
You’ll both feel really connected looking at each other. Increase your stimulation by grinding your clitoris against his pelvis.
Slide ice cubes down his chest and let the cold water collect at the base of his pelvis.