
Jul 10 2016

3 Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life With Erotica ;P

With the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, more and more people are taking note of erotic novels and short stories. Women are the biggest consumers of these juicy tales, but often hide it from their partners. Why?

Maybe because they don’t want anyone to know what they’re reading, or maybe because they don’t want to be judged for the spicy, kinky content. If you read erotica of any sort, however, you obviously have a little bit of curiosity and an active imagination.

Many women report feeling less and less sexual as they settle into marriage, after kids or as they approach menopause. Erotica is one of the many tools out there that you can use alone or with your partner to boost your sex drive and ‘get the engine revving.’ It’s all dandy if you just want to read erotica alone and use that to fuel to your relationship with your partner, but what if you read erotica with your partner?

Read aloud

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Another way to introduce erotica into your sexual life is to read it aloud in bed. This is especially great for erotic short stories, which don’t take long to read and definitely get you excited.

Some couples prefer to read longer erotic novels, usually reading a chapter a night. It doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to be sexual with each other every night, but it definitely gives you a reason to hop into bed early.

This works for two reasons: you get to read dirty things out loud, which is always a blast, and you spend time close to one another, experiencing something together.

This is a great tool for rekindling romance. Even if you don’t read a hardcore erotic novel, you’re still spending time together snuggled up and actively listening—just don’t expect to finish a chapter before your partner makes you put the book down!

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